RCR Ambassadors for Research Security Announced
Undergraduate Student Opportunities from the Hagyard Equine Medical Institute

The Hagyard Equine Medical Institute’s seasonal undergraduate program is a one-of-a-kind, didactic learning experience that gives students six months of real-world experience in an unmatched learning environment. Beginning in January…
Rumen Microbes – Current Research Showcase
Learn more about the role of the rumen and lower gut microorganisms and their impact on the host’s performance, nutrition, and health. The ruminant is a fascinating animal due to…
Rumen Microbes – Anaerobic Fungi
Rumen Microbes – Interconnecting Feed Efficiency with Mechanisms of Muscle Growth
Learn more about the role of the rumen and lower gut microorganisms and their impact on the host’s performance, nutrition, and health. The ruminant is a fascinating animal due to…