The Extension arm of the Department of Animal Science endeavors to:
- Convert research findings into management practices improving the livelihood of Tennessee farms and families.
- Work with producers to implement management practices into their unique production systems.
- Discover production systems that thrive in our state and the Southeast.
The primary method for accomplishing these goals is by supporting the educational efforts of county UT Extension agents. UT Extension maintains an Agriculture and Natural Resources agent in all ninety-five counties in the state. Animal Science specialists provide in-service training on topics that relate to beef cattle, dairy cattle, equine, poultry, small ruminant, and swine management. The county agents deliver that information to clientele through educational programs in several different formats.
Specialists in Animal Science also engage in grant-supported translational research and field trials. In some cases, agents are asked to address issues for which there is limited science-based information. In those cases, the responsible species specialist(s) develop peer-reviewed research proposals that are submitted for funding and carried out in a manner that directly addresses producers’ needs. That information is then distributed as described above.
Our Extension faculty take great pride in applying their education and experience in a way that directly benefits livestock producers and horse owners in Tennessee. They are always open to constructive feedback from stakeholders and strive to respond as quickly as possible.