Collage of 2018 featured presentations
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Desulfovibrio desulfuricans

Desulfovibrio spp. are gram-negative, rod-shaped organisms that are able to reduce sulfur ingested from high concentrate and ethanol-based byproducts.  Visit the interactive feature.

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Megasphaera elsdenii

​Megasphaera elsdenii. This anaerobic, Gram-negative, coccus (spherical shaped) microorganism is one of the more important lactic acid utilizing microorganisms in the rumen of beef and dairy cattle adapted to high-concentrate diets. Visit the interactive feature.

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Streptococcus bovis

Streptococcus bovis bacterium is the rumen microorganism believed to be chiefly responsible for rapid fermentation and for production of large quantities of lactic acid. Visit the interactive feature.

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​Fibrobacter succinogenes

Fibrobacter succinogenes was another rumen microbe featured in 2018.  This microbe is known for its ability to break down cellulose by converting plant biomass into nutrients for cattle.​ Visit the interactive feature.

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Lactobacillus spp

Our first muliti-system microbes, Lactobacillus species are rod-shaped, Gram-positive bacteria commonly known for their production of lactic acid. They are important in both gut and reproductive health.  Visit the interactive feature.