Animal Science is fortunate to have dedicated and talented professional staff that assists our faculty in their research and programs. We would like to take the opportunity to let you get to know them. Today we will meet August Westmoreland.
Tell us about your position and what you do in Animal Science.
I am the Student Support and Records Specialist for the Department. I schedule classes, record internship information, enter student concentrations and overrides, annual assessment reporting, and more!
What brought you to Animal Science?
This opportunity became available when I was wanting to move from North Carolina back to Knoxville. I enjoyed all the people I met in the Department and the work environment in general and knew that’s where I wanted to be!
What is the best part of your job?
Getting to watch students succeed over the school year! I’m happy to be able to help them out in any way I can.
What is your favorite activity outside of lab/work that makes Friday a day to look forward to each week?
Sitting outside on the patio by the river or walking down the street to a restaurant for dinner. If the weather is bad I love to watch Netflix or play video games.