Teams and Clubs

Animal Science offers many teams and clubs, and we encourage you to participate and become inVOLved! Each tab lists one of our clubs with contact information.

View a complete listing of all Herbert clubs, organizations, and societies

The Animal Science Graduate Student Association (ASGSA) consists of both MS and PhD students enrolled in the Animal Science department. The association organizes professional development, guest speakers, and social events on a monthly basis. These events are diverse and include both academic and industry topics; social events occur both on and off campus. Students drive the focus of these events as well as fundraising opportunities through Ag Day participation and embroidered clothing sales. Graduate students also volunteer at Ag Day and other College or university-wide events under the ASGSA umbrella.

A student chapter of the American Society of Animal Science is devoted to giving students opportunities to put their classroom knowledge to practical use. The club meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 6:00 p.m. The club is involved in many university and College-wide activities, including Vol Challenge and Ag Day. They also host a number of events focused on animal agriculture for state 4-H and FFA students, including Block and Bridle Roundup, Club Lamb Sale, and the Rocky Top Classic Steer and Heifer Show. Additionally, the club hosts social activities, such as the annual Animal Science Smoker and Academic Quadrathalon. Members have the opportunity to attend the national Block and Bridle convention and the Tennessee and National Cattlemen’s Association conventions.

Contact Information

Kyle McLean


The Dairy Club is open to all students interested in learning and helping educate others about the dairy industry ā€“ from the dairy farm to the marketplace. We hold meetings twice a month during the academic year, as well as participate in a variety of activities during the semester, including: Ag Day in the fall and Roundup in the spring. Members also have the opportunity to attend the National American Dairy Science Association meetings each year. Learn more about Dairy Challenge, a regional and national competition that helps build your skills in analyzing dairy farm operations and build relationships with members of the dairy industry.

Contact Information

Liz Eckelkamp

The Equestrian Club at UT competes under the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (Zone 5, Region 1) in two disciplines: Hunt Seat Equitation and Hunt Seat Equitation Over Fences, and Western Horsemanship and Reining. Weekly lessons are held for both disciplines to prepare for competition. Lessons are also offered to students wishing to improve their riding skills, but may not be ready for intercollegiate competition.

Contact Information

Lacey Johnston

The Horse Judging Team provides students with the opportunity to travel to various competitions to evaluate different breeds of horses. Students evaluate and place classes of horse and defend their selections through oral reasons while competing against other universities across the country. Students enroll in AS 461 as a prerequisite for participation on the team.

Contact Information

Madeline Parr
Head Coach

Lacey Johnston

The Livestock Judging Team allows students to travel across the country while evaluating cattle, sheep, and swine. Team members evaluate livestock and give oral reasons while competing on the collegiate level against other universities. The team provides students with the opportunity to meet people throughout the country who are in the industry. Students have one calendar year of eligibility to judge (one spring and one fall semester). Students enroll in AS 360 Horse, Dairy, and Meat Animal Evaluation in the fall prior to the year they plan to participate in judging.

As a member, you can expect:

  • Exposure to poultry industry
  • Meet poultry producers & Leaders
  • Develop & improve leadership
  • Networking
  • Fun poultry events & activities
  • Career opportunities
  • and more!

Members participate in activities aimed at promoting the poultry industry. The club also participates in at least one service project each year. Members generally attend the International Poultry Exposition in Atlanta, where they can meet and interview with company representatives. Participation in this activity often leads to internship positions or permanent employment within the poultry industry. In order to fund this activity, the club prepares and sells chicken lunches annually. The Poultry Club meets every other Wednesday at 5:30 p.m.

Contact Information

Yang Zhao

The Pre-Vet Association is for all students interested in veterinary medicine. Throughout the year, the club sponsors programs about the many aspects of veterinary medicine, including small animal, large animal, and exotic animal medicine. Other activities include tours of the UT College of Veterinary Medicine and a behind-the-scenes look at the Knoxville zoo. Members also have the opportunity to observe surgeries at UTCVM.

Contact Information

Paxton Parker

Club Email

The Tennessee Collegiate Horsemen’s Association is a student chapter of the American Collegiate Horsemen’s Association and is open to all UT students, regardless of major. TCHA provides an opportunity for students sharing a common interest in equines while promoting education and leadership through organized activities related to horsemanship and industry. Members also have the opportunity to attend the national ACHA convention.

Contact Information

Lacey Johnston