Save the date!
This exciting event will incorporate information complementary to the graduate student handbook that is important for incoming and existing graduate students. The morning will consist of brief presentations on pertinent topics and icebreakers and the afternoon will consist of fun team building exercises! A confirmed agenda will be sent out soon. Please note that the topics and activities at the kickoff change each year.
Animal Science graduate student participation is required for all incoming and existing graduate students. All faculty and staff are encouraged to attend. Although masks will be worn and social distancing will be heavily practiced throughout this event, a Zoom link will be provided for those not comfortable attending in person. New, incoming students will be notified of this event, and please reach out to those who may not be currently listed in our directory. If you will not be able to attend, please let Dr. Schneider or Dr. Myer know the reason for the absence ASAP.
We look forward to a great fall semester with you all!