Animal Science has four key areas of research, Animal Health and Well-Being, Genetics and Genomics, Nutrition Physiology and Reproductive Physiology. Today we are highlighting a lab in the Animal Health and Well-Being area. Jun Lin, Professor, specializing in infectious disease will share his lab with us.
What kind of work does your research group conduct?
My research program is primarily focused on molecular mechanisms of bacterial pathogenesis and antimicrobial resistance, which would reveal potential targets for the development of novel intervention strategies and diagnostic tools against the pathogens important in animal health and food safety. We also conduct functional microbiome research with emphasis on the discovery of new microbiome targets for enhanced animal & human health. My laboratory has a strong āOne Healthā emphasis on the interface of animal, environment, and human health. The established projects in my laboratory have a direct impact on animal industry and public health.
What lead you to your research?
My curiosity for the natural world and biological science dated back to my childhood, which were further motivated by two memorable biology summer camps in middle school. Soon after going to college, I started to conduct research focused on microbiology and immunology, a fascinating area for me. Microorganisms are small but they play a critical role in the health and sustainability of our planet from various aspects.
Where do you see your field in 10 years?
Nobel prizes for the research in microbiology and immunology will continue to increase. In 1901, the first Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to Emil Adolph Von Behring for his work on serum therapy, especially its application against diphtheria. Since then, near 50 Noble prizes have been awarded to the research in the field of microbiology or immunology.
Who are your lab members?
Barbara Gillespie, Research Associate
Dr. Ximin Zeng, Research Assistant Professor
Dr. Liu Cao, Postdoctoral Research Associate
Huiwen Wang, Ph.D. student (3rd year)
Windy Soto-Gonzalez, Undergraduate student (Junior)