This featured microbe is Prevotella ruminicola. Prevotella are one of the largest groups of bacteria within the rumen, and are found within the gut of many species.
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This interactive image was created Emily Melchoir

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P. ruminicola is one of the major proteolytic bacteria in the rumen, breaking down protein from feedstuffs and then resynthesizing bacterial protein from ammonia and large peptides. (Image provided from DairyHerd.com)
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P. ruminicola contributes significantly to the degradation of starches (such as corn silage and other grains) within the rumen. When cattle are fed grains in a feedlot operation, P. ruminicola plays a large role in the continued health of the animal. (Photo provided by the University of Wisconsin)
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Succinate is the major fermentation end-product of P. ruminicola, which will then be utilized to produce the volatile fatty acid propionate, a glucose precursor.
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P. ruminicola are among the most predominant gram-negative bacteria in the rumen. (Photo courtesy of TIGR)
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