Bacterial Communities during Heifer Development and their Impact on the Uterine Environment Taylor Seay, PhD Candidate Kyle McLean and Phil Myer, Co-Mentors Monday, November 22, 20211:00pm ESTBAS Room 260
Bacterial Communities during Heifer Development and their Impact on the Uterine Environment Taylor Seay, PhD Candidate Kyle McLean and Phil Myer, Co-Mentors Monday, November 22, 20211:00pm ESTBAS Room 260
Position Description Spring 2022/Winter 2024 The Infectious Disease and Endocrinology of Animals Lab at the University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine is now accepting applications for a 3-year PhD…
Animal Science has four key areas of research, Animal Health and Well-Being, Genetics and Genomics, Nutrition Physiology and Reproductive Physiology. Today we are highlighting a lab in the Reproductive Physiology…
Animal Science has four key areas of research, Animal Health and Well-Being, Genetics and Genomics, Nutrition Physiology and Reproductive Physiology. Today we are highlighting a lab in the Animal Health…
Current State of the Tennessee Dairy Industry and Barriers to Producers’ Permanency Arup Sen, Masters CandidateLiz Eckelkamp, Mentor Thursday, November 4, 20211:00PM EDTBAS Room 260
Animal Science has four key areas of research, Animal Health and Well-Being, Genetics and Genomics, Nutrition Physiology and Reproductive Physiology. Today we are highlighting a lab in the Genetics and…
Dynamics of Hematology, Immunology, and Nasopharyngeal Microbiome Related to Naturally Occurring Bovine Respiratory Disease in Commercial Stocker Cattle Afroza Akter, PhD CandidateLiesel Schneider, Mentor Monday, November 1, 20211:00pm EDTBAS Room…
Recovery from the Breeding Season is the start of the Next Breeding Season By: J.T. Watts and K.J. McLean For over 45% of cow-calf producers, the fall season is a…
Animal Science has four key areas of research, Animal Health and Well-Being, Genetics and Genomics, Nutrition Physiology and Reproductive Physiology. Today we are highlighting a lab in the Animal Health…